October Mother Runner of the Month: Allie O’Rourke

Allie O’Rourke of Petaluma, California is our October Mother Runner of the Month! And, she is, the best I can tell, one of those mother runners who seems to be able to do it all. She is a mom to three boys, ages 10, 8, and 3; a wife who is always working on her relationship with her husband; a good friend; the executive of the household who meal plans a month in advance; and a professional working a demanding job as executive assistant to the CEO of Lagunitas Brewing Co.

How does Allie do it all? What is her secret?

She runs!

Allie knows that putting her running and herself first makes her the best mom, wife, friend, professional, etc. that she can be. Her nominator says, “Allie sees running as her therapy, her ‘church’, and no matter the weather or if she’s away for work, she makes a point to get a run in. Her dedication in all areas of her life is inspiring, her support unwavering, and I am so proud of my Mama Runner for taking care of her physical and mental wellbeing. She’s my best friend and my inspiration to always try harder and do more.”

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Allie started running as a way to get back into shape after baby and then, later, to have some “me time.” Running is a chance for her to disconnect from her obligations at home and at work and to focus on herself. She uses her runs to clear her mind and start her days off doing something just for herself. Now, she runs almost daily and is always looking to be faster or go further.

For Allie, running is where she reconnects with herself. She’s been running on and off for 8 years, and is now in the longest streak of her life: 2 years. 

Mother Runners, Meet Your October Mother Runner of the Month, Allie O’Rourke:

Why do you enjoy running?

I am an anxious person by nature, and it really is a release for me. Not just that, but I get the most exercise in the shortest amount of time.

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Allie runs to calm her anxiety.

What are your running goals and accomplishments?

Honestly, I run because of my anxiety, stress, and time constraints. My goal is to maintain and/or gradually increase my weekly mileage while shortening my mile time. The sky is the limit!

How does your love of running impact your kids/family?

Sometimes my husband gets frustrated/annoyed when I let him know that I need to prioritize a run. But other than that, my kids get to see me active and healthy. My youngest always asks me if I just went for a run and tells me how sweaty I am.

How does running make you a better mom?

It is stress relief! Sometimes I head out when I’m feeling overwhelmed and frustrated, and come back a new person. Definitely gets my head into a different space.

What’s the best piece of running advice you’ve ever gotten?

Not every run is created equal. You can have a fantastic run one day, and then the next it could be horrible. There are so many factors that can change how your runs go: just push through it and don’t get frustrated when you have bad days.

Do you have any favorite running podcasts?

I listen to music. I need to JAM! Anything high energy and upbeat.

What’s your favorite running gear?

My Nike Epic React Flyknit sneaks, usually Fast and Free Lululemon tights or crops (because they don’t fall down and have pockets), an Athleta sports bra, and a tank. Oh! And of course my Apple Watch for tracking.

How do you stay motivated when the going gets tough?

Remind myself that not every day is going to be a good one, and to keep pushing. Some days I just need to take it easier on myself so I may actually stop and walk, or stop and breathe for a few beats. It might happen more than once in a given run.

Thanks, Allie!

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