Registered Dietitian: How to Eat in the Off-Season for Runners

Reviewed by Megan Robinson, RD: Maybe you just finished a big race and are now enjoying the off-season (congrats!). Or, if you are like me this past year, you are injured and not running AT ALL …figuring out how to eat when you aren’t running or running a lot can be very confusing. Enter a registered dietitian’s offseason diet tips.


My goal for this article is to take the guesswork out of your offseason diet and allow you to pull up a chair at the dinner table confident in what you’re eating. It is NOT to encourage any sort of restriction. As someone who suffered from RED/S and disordered eating, I am very much against any sort of restriction. Instead, I am in full support of mindful eating.

Of course, we all want to retain the physique we have when we are running. But it is important to note that some weight gain in the off season is normal and often necessary. Even professional athletes will gain weight in the off season.

My Off-season Diet Confusion

However, if you are like me, eating when you are running a lot like training for a marathon, is not only a joy and privilege, but also constant. When I am doing intense training, I am eating almost all the time, and not thinking about my caloric intake. Food is fuel.

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  1. Hi! I’m so glad I found your blog. I’m starting to run, and it’s a bit difficult for me. Now I know that I started off wrong and I should have learned the basics of running first.